Tuesday, November 27, 2018

10.0 Nannies! We Made Them Crazy & Now They Are Horrible...

I think the nannies could make an impact on kids as they are the people who surrounded in kids for a whole day. As per the scientist view, the first five years of a child is the foundation for the rest of their life. The child used to capture everything as they do not have decision making power to make a choice. So, the family environment and family members should be good enough to offer the best to them. My grandfather always said that I had a good background during my childhood. Later on, I understood his view as an adult. However, I had both good and bad experiences with our nannies during my childhood. This story tells about them.

Time to time there were a few caretakers during our childhood to look after us as parents were not at home in the daytime. So, there was someone at our home until I turned around seven to eight-year-old. There were some ladies in different age groups. Some of them like our aunts while others were like our grannies. The one who mentioned as ‘Renuka’ in my previous article was such a lovely person. So, among them, there were a few who liked us well and, there were many who disliked us as we were not obedient kids.

I can tell you that this person rolled out many changes in our lives. However, we cannot directly point out their mistakes, when thinking about nasty behaviors we had as little ones. So, one nanny used to get my support for her work when my parents were not at home. She asked me to work on some tasks. I don’t know why I didn’t make any complaint against this situation which had been happening from a reasonable time. Sometimes that might be the skills of that person. 

She asked me to take the clothes from outside at rainy times and, asked me to hang them back when the rain was over. That was one main duty I had those days and, I obeyed with such advice well. As well as she asked me to clean the stuff once my sister finished playing. I had to keep the toys in order. Meantime I had to help for her love affair as well while doing these small jobs. It was like this. In those days our home was on a roadside and, that boy worked with some road renovations. He was a pleasant and fair boy who had curly hair. His smile also an attractive one. I think that smile made him more attractive and added value to him. As I remember, I saw this boy when we were flying kites via our window. When we were flying kites, our small kite fell down and, he helped us to get it back. On another day also, we saw him again when we play near that window. Now he became a friend and, always he offered his friendly smile for us even though he didn’t talk with us. So, one day I got another duty from my take carer and, she asked me to ask his name. I also did the job well without any hesitation and, it was a pleasure for me as well at that time.

However, now I do not remember what the name was but it was the first step of that love story, I think. That's what happened, of course. That's why we spent most of the time near the window by playing and flying kites as per our nanny’s wish. As we didn’t inform this to our mother, this went well without any hindrance. As little ones, we also did not see any specialty to tell my mother. However, this was not a secret anymore as my mother caught up when she was trying to exchange some letters.  Later on, I do not remember what had happened. But that incident was one of the best I can remember with our nannies stuff. 

Later on, there was a big mess because of that nanny and, it created further problems. 

As you know, we loved cats a lot. So, we always used to play with them and pet them when we were playing. But this person did not like cats and, she hated them. She did not want to see them with us. So, every time she tried to keep them away. In one day, this big riot happened once I fed the cats with some biscuits. As well as she complained that she had to clean all the stuff and, it's a never-ending job. Those were certain things she used to blame us. Parallel the never-ending ‘Meaww’ of our cat was a big headache for her. Our one also used to make the trouble even we fed many times. So, one day she tortured the cat and, said that she cannot bear up this trouble anymore. I also got angry by looking at our cat and, my limits were over at that time. As I could not bear up to it anymore, I also hit her and, both of us were very angry at that time. Suddenly, she took the cat and, threw away towards me saying 'Keep this bladdy shit with you. As per the nature of cats, he tried to hang in my body and then his sharp nails wounded me.

So, my sister hit her using the doll in her hand and, it made her angry a lot. When my parents came home, there was a big riot in the home. However, they could get to know some details from our neighbors even though they did not come to visit us when this was going on. Later on, I got to know that they revealed everything and, they told everything about chores I did at home as per her instructions. My mother and my father were very upset about this and, worried a lot as they did not know about this situation before. Finally, what has happened was, that person had to leave us the next day. My father asked her to go home as soon as possible. As well as mother had to stay home and looked after us. It was a loss for her and, she worried about her job for a couple of months. 

There was another lady who used to eat foods reserved for our use. She did not do it as a wrong thing and, did that saying the foods she ate were not good for us. Anyway, I remembered how she had fruits using that manner. We did not ask any more questions from her and let her have. Another one was a granny and, she used to pick us after school. So, every day she came to school. Those days I had a habit of dropping my school friends to their homes. Therefore, I used different routes to come home to do my duty and, it took about an additional half an hour to do this. So, this granny was real trouble for me and, I could not do my hobby when she came to pick me. As a solution, I told my parents that my friends identified her as my own granny and it was ashamed of me. So, I asked them to, not to send her to school. Finally, my parents agreed with me and, they let me come back home with my other school friends as I was in grade four those days. However, my mother could notice the late and again that granny came to pick me.

So, among all these people, ‘Renuka’ was the best lady we ever had. Right now, I don’t know about her. She was a kind and honest person. Apart from that, there was another relative elder sister who loved us and cared about us.

My personal opinion is that looking after a child is not just a job and, the nanny won't be able to do that if she/he does not love kids. I think they should have an inner willingness to correct the mistakes of little ones. To bear up to these things, they should have patience and kind thoughts about children. Otherwise, I think it's not kind of a job which can be done for a monthly payment like other jobs. I can see this situation nowadays by looking at my sister’s little one and his nannies. However, I think that the best people to look after them are their parents and grandparents. According to the childhood experience I had and the things I can see in this environment, I think some other person does not feel honest and loving feeling much. At any moment there is a higher probability for them to make physical or mental harm to little ones.

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Thursday, November 22, 2018

9.0 Hey Doggy…Here Are 6 Ways To Eat My Meat Better.

My Dream! Become an owner of a few pets was one of my dreams in childhood. But my parents did not like much as we did not have enough yard in our rented house. As well as my father received job transfers to various places from time to time and it was another reason. So, I tried to pet dogs and cats when I saw them anywhere. 

Even though I thought to write these stories according to the order it happened, I forgot three to four stories before the article ‘Grade 5 examination’. So, this is also a memorable incident and a lesson. Today also I do not prefer to pet any dogs except our own dog at home because of this incident. 

Those days we lived in a home, which gave by the government as quarters for my father. It was home on the roadside and, the yard was a restricted area for us because of that reason. However, I went out one day and, my younger sister also accompanied me. She observed my behavior those days and, it was her Hobby to find out my faults. In this case, I did not ask her to return home as if I asked her to do so, I also don’t have the opportunity to go outside. She did not let me do things that were not applicable to her. That was her point. That’s her rule those days and, she pointed out all with my mother. So, both of us were in the yard.

That Sleeping Dog Was A Devil, Friends! I saw black and brown colored sleeping dogs when going to and fro in the yard. That dog slept well in the corner of the yard. By looking at that dog, I could not keep my legs and hands as it is and, what I did was I touched his head via my foot. I thought it would let that dog sleep well, but he looked at me horribly in unexpected ways at that time. At the same time, I turned back and, tried to go back home as that look get frightened me. But that doggy was faster than me.  That doggy bit my leg before I went to the entrance. Actually, it’s good not to see the way that the dog has bitten me after hearing the sound came from his inner mouth. It was a Dangerous Voice to hear. Later on, I saw ten to twelve people came to our yard when I was screaming and, that doggy ran away. My sister climbed and hanged in a window at that time like a cat. At that time she was so silent. Then somebody asked about my mother.

At that time, I was conscious and came into the real world. So, how can I tell this to the mother?. I definitely knew that it becomes a Big Disaster once I told her. As there were a few faults, I knew that I had to face her punishments. 

However, I went inside into the home, searched for my mother, and, I felt that blood was coming out of that wound as well. At that time, she was in the kitchen. It's like that I lost somewhere. My heart was weeping and, I did not feel much pain in my wound because of the scary thoughts I had at that time.

Weeping Heart! I reduced my volume as much as possible and, told her that 'Mom, a doggy has bitten me now. That was it and, as I expected she gave a few slaps and, I was helpless like nothing. Now only I could cry and, I cried like nothing. Tears came from my eyes like water and, at the same time, I could hear that my mother was blaming me. Then my sister came and told me that 'A lot of people are in our yard and they asked the mother to come out. Then the only mother realized what has happened and she quickly came to the yard by dragging us as well. Meanwhile, my sister said that 'Today father also will punish you. So, all the people who were in the yard told details of many specialized doctors. One of the women in that crowd said that it was a Crazy Dog. Additionally, she explained the sickness of such dogs. 

In the meantime, our neighbor's aunt came and told that 'We will bring her for 'Sinhala' treatments.  There was a specialized doctor here. Even though my mother had been living in the area for a couple of years, she had not gone too far. So, she accepted the advice given by that aunt as she was the only one my mother knew at that time. As she decided to visit that doctor, we two went home and got ready to go there. Still, she was stressed over the careless mistake I did for myself and talking endlessly. My sister also helped my mother and, she added some more points to my mistake. I did not have anything to say as excuses, as it was My Mistake. Therefore, I listened to them and cried like nothing. It was an endless pain for me that day.

Anyway, we consulted that Doctor and came home with some medicine. Later on, I went to visit another doctor once my father returned home as he took me to another doctor. As I remember the doctor gave me an injection and, she said there is an injection course to take for a few months. However, my father did not say anything, and, he did not blame me. He just asked what has happened by looking at my helpless status. It was a big relief for me after listening to all the advice. But I thought that he would blame me. It was a good day for my sister and, she told me about the bravery action she took in this incident. How she has deceived that doggy by climbing to the window was the bravery action she did as per her view without helping me. So it was her Main Topic those days and, she used to tell it with everyone. 

Lessons Learned! So, after this incident I always maintained a distance with dogs, even they are pets of someone. I did not even touch a puppy though they look pretty and lovely because of this bad experience. I remembered the way that doggy looked at me by looking at other dogs as well. If I met a dog on the road, I used to keep a distance of a few miles. I did not feed them directly and asked someone to do when I saw any starving doggy. 

One day I went to a friend's house. There were many big and Lovely Dogs there. All were living in the house. This idiot did not even mention her doggy crowd me before. My friend also did not know about my story with doggies. Even though my friend and her mother told me that these dogs do not bite several times, I was so scared. When I was far from them that aunt asked: “Don’t you like pets though you are vegetarian?”. Then I told them this story too. After that, my friend sent a few big doggies to the inner room by looking at my uncomfortable status and, it was a big relief for me. 

Those days there was a famous painting Advertisement on TV and, there was a fluffy doggy. Even though I had a bad experience with doggies, I wanted to adopt such a lovely doggy. It was one of my dreams. That dog was so fluffy and pretty. We never had such a pretty one, though there were a few doggies at our home from time to time. So, one day I saw such a lovely doggy when I was staying at my father’s elder brother’s home. That doggy was walking in their yard with his owner. I could not control my inner scary feelings this time and, I wanted to touch that puppy. But the owner of that puppy did not like much and, she said that that puppy does not like visitors. Lol...

There was a doggy called 'Whita' in our home and, he died because of sickness. On the next day, I had an exam also, but I could not concentrate on my studies because of his situation. We gave medicine and, all of us worried about 'Whita's sickness. So, after a few hours, we lost him. He died. Then as the last thing, I closed his body using my towel and, I thought it was the biggest thing that I could do for my lovely doggy. Later on, my sister said that it was the worst thing that could be happened for somebody as I used my towel.


So, these are some fun, sad, and scary memories about Doggies.

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Sunday, November 11, 2018

8.0 Jayashni's First Firing Hurdle. How These Things Will Change The Way You Approach A Hurdle?

This story is a Remarkable Point in my life. As I did not attend for grade five exams, I could not find out a suitable school for me. So, I did not go to school for about six to eight months and stayed at home. As I had to face this type of different situations, I thought to share those stories with you. There may be a day when I had to just sit on a chair by reminding the past memories.  On that day, I would like to read this blog via my grandchild or an assistant. So, every story should be powered by my feelings. If I tell you the truth, I have been facing various changes in my life. Sometimes it may be common for everyone. But I did not see such changes in the lives of my siblings, cousins or friends. However, I always respect my Happening Life.

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Sometimes you may think that the stories on this blog belong to children. It’s happened because still, I’m blogging the memorized moments in my childhood. Or this is not a children's blog. So, as I wrote a few childhood memories, I just wanted to write a little bit about the current situation.

There is Heavy Rain on the outside when I’m writing this story for you. The rainy weather is amazing and, it gave me great pleasure once I looked outside. Even I thought to have a small nap, again, I thought it better to write another story rather than sleeping. The only issue I have now is the unavailability of power. There is a power cut for a few minutes and, I think it happened because of heavy rain. I tried to contact the electricity board, but their phone line was busy. I think I may have to wait for a few hours. So, I thought to use the internet dongle of my younger sister who pays its bill. Recently she told me that last month's bill was excessive. I asked her to disconnect the connection if she is not using this dongle. But I checked it now and, it gets connected as she didn’t do that. So, today also I can use this and sponsorship for this story goes to my Sister

Today's Climate is very suitable for a nap even I switched on my laptop. So, I hope there will be heavy rain till I finished my writing and, it's my desire. However, I think there will be heavy rain for a couple of hours. But, once I looked at the outside, that wish gets a bit changed and, I think the same situation would not good for someone else. I saw a school child who is returning home in a mid of heavy rain with wet clothes, she even used an umbrella. I think her situation is not comfortable. As well as this climate is not good for many including me, even though, I enjoyed this environment and, climate. When someone is having a nap in a warm bed, somebody would be suffering from Asthma at the same moment. Actually, it's not a good thing to remember even. My parents get mad and scared by looking at me when I was suffering from Asthma a few years back. It’s also a good story to write as a blog. But it will take a bit more time to write, as that incident happened when I was doing my job. 

So, the heading of the story becomes ‘Jayashni's First Firing Hurdle’ as this was a remarkable story I have faced as a child. 

The Start! Sometimes you might remember that I went to school a bit earlier than the expected age range. So, I should be in grade four according to my age. Then my class teacher asked my parents to keep me in grade five for one more year to satisfy the age gap and, to meet all the requirements for the exam. It was the rule of education policies. But my parents did not like to keep me in the same grade for another year. Even they knew that I could not sit for this exam, they arranged all the necessary things for the exam preparation. They asked me to participate in evening classes at school. One elder sister called ‘Ashoka Akka’ came to our home for Tuition Classes and, my mother additionally gave some lessons. So, as I didn’t aware of these pre-requisites, I also put an effort into exam preparation as others. 

Anyway, I got to know about this when the exam was so close. But, I’ didn’t feel regret or sadness for the effort I put. I don’t know why actually. Some of my friends told me that I was lucky. Some of my friend’s mothers pointed out it as the worst decision. My parents asked me to work hard in the next years. So, as I listened for different ideas, I did not regret or felt any sadness about that situation. 

In those days, my father got a Job Transfer to another province.  So, I had to leave school after about one month of the exam. On the last day of school, ten to twelve of my friends came to our home as our home was close to my school. As soon as I came back home after school, I went to the salon for a haircut with my father. The barber of that salon was ‘Raajaa’ and, one day he wounded my ear when cutting Hair near to my left ear by mistake. After that, I didn’t go to that salon, but on that day I had to go there as my father was occupied with many works. As that salon was in front of our house, all those friends came there to visit me and, they waited for me as well. As they waited for me till I finished my haircut, it was a pleasure for me. 

So, on that day, my mother served many foods and drinks to my school friends and, we enjoyed it a lot. 

My Farewell! We all were studying for a long time in the same class and, some of them were like siblings for me. I used to call one boy as ‘Mary Perethaya” as he was very greedy for biscuits and, he was also there for me to bid a fond farewell. There was one girl who had a rash on her hand and, I embarrassed her with many stories. She also came. There was a boy who tortured me one day by turning a few rounds until I felt faint. He also was there. There were a few girls who used to tell my mistakes with my mother and, they asked to hit me. There was a boy who threatened and advised me via his elder brother as I was standing on his table with shoes for a few days. Apart from them, there were my bunch of friends who had lunch and different junk foods with me during the school interval and after school. 

So, on that day all of them came to visit and Say Goodbye to me. That was the first farewell party of my life. If we could take a picture of all of us, it would be a great idea. But you know cameras are not available like today and, using a camera also a bit difficult task. If the camera operator could not put the reel correctly, all shots get damaged and, you won’t see any picture. So, at that time we shared our Autographs with each other. One of my friends mentioned that 'What should I have to write to you other than saying Good Luck.' It was not the Selfie Era! Lol...

In just a couple of days, we moved to a new house with my father’s job transfer. 

The Headache! It’s my father’s hometown. As my younger sister was in grade two, it was not difficult for her to find out a suitable school. But I was in grade five mid-semester and, most of the school principals did not want to take new students to grade five. They said that they have to consider the results of the grade five exam. So, I had to stay for a few months at home without going to school and, it was a big problem for our new neighbors. I had to answer their various questions. 

Till then, my parents send me to an ‘English’ tuition class and Sunday Dhamma school. At the same time, there were a few tuition classes at home for ‘Mathematics’ and ‘Science’ subjects in grade five. Meantime, my father had to leave his job as the new place was not suitable for him. These changes affected us badly for a couple of months. My parents could bear up this situation by minimizing the impact on us. But I could observe changes in some relatives who tried to isolate us from the family community. 

There was another exam called ‘Admission exam’ (‘Athulathweeme Wibhage’) for those who failed grade five examination (‘Shishshathwe’). 

Sharing is Caring! It was like a second opportunity to go to grade six in a reputed school. Somehow, I could go to school again after passing this exam. I remember that examination day and the colleague who sat next to me in the exam hall. Still, I could remember her because I showed my answer sheet when she was struggling with some questions. At that time what I thought was she also will not have a school like me if she could not pass this exam. However, both of us could pass the exam and go to a new school.

The very first days in grade six and grade one are the same. There was no friend for me and a known face. All the faces were new to me. But I could say that new and the best era of school life began right here.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

7.0 The Beard Of Our Lovely Garfield. A Gift For Cat Lovers.

Time to time there were a few Cats in our home and, we love all those little kittens a lot. We used to treat them like our family members. Therefore, certain people in our neighborhood brought the kittens to our home when they have more. Some people were like thieves. When they did not want to have more baby kittens, they put them in our yard. Those days, it was a pleasure to see a couple of kittens in our yard. We would like to see kittens in different colors. We loved the "Orange" color the most. However, there were very few kittens in the "Orange" color. We had many black and white cats.

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I'm Sorry! I would like to express my sympathy for the whole cat society because of this incident. So, when this situation was happening, there were no cats in our home. But there was a group of cats who used to visit our house.

One big black and a Fluffy Cat came to our house regularly. We put our maximum effort to keep and pet that cat. But, we never got a chance to keep him as he was a big cat like a wildcat. However, it was a big-headed cat and, I think that because of the beauty. We liked his fluffy look. So, in addition to that proud cat, the other cat guys came in for food.  There was no difficulty in catching them as the union of people is common for them. They used to go to many houses to find food. My mother did not like that cat crowd like me and, my younger sister. At the same time, they were big trouble for my mother due to different reasons. Pooping in the corners of our house, hiding little kittens in the cloth racks and, tearing chair covers were some reasons. So, they were a big headache for my mother. Therefore, we could not adopt our own cat.

So, this misfortune had happened to one of the cats who came to our home. Actually, before I did this, I thought about it as a service that I could give to that cat.

Weird Beard! On that day I saw a grown beard on the face of that cat. As my father was also not keeping a beard like that, I thought to trim the whiskers of that cat as well. As the first thing, my father used to apply soap in his face. Therefore I also followed the same process. It was not an easy job. The cat was struggling to go away, but I could apply soap in his face. I tied him in the door like a dog to make the task easier. But he tried a lot to go out. However, I finished applying soap. Huh… Now it's time to shave the beard. However, it was not exactly like my father’s job. Some white hair has fallen on the floor to make sure the task had done. After that, according to the routine of my father, I washed his face and wiped well using a towel. Then removed the tie and let him move.  He didn’t wait for at least one second and ran away. What I thought was, he should offer gratitude for the service given. 

So that afternoon when my father came home, I told the whole story with him. As soon as he heard, he suddenly asked 'Oh my god, why did you do that for innocent cat and, that story spoiled his face even. I thought why did it bad for a cat if shaving is good for my father. That was my argument. After that, my father said, 'Dear, the Beard is important for animals like cats and, they have to use their beard for most of the tasks they do. So, now the worst thing had happened to that cat according to my father. 'What will happen to that cat guy?. I have been thinking for days because he never came to our home again.

After that, I did not make any trouble for cats. These animals like our own family members as we used to adopt cats as pets later. 

They were our family members! We treated them like our siblings. We used to call them as Sister or Brother. Sometimes we called them using names of humans. My mother did not like those names and, she asked us to put suitable names for them. She pointed out that there could be neighbors who have the same names and, it is not good for their respect. So, with these conditions, if we saw little cats on the road, I came home with a Heavy Heart. Their situation made me sad.

Even though this is a small story, I thought of writing this to show the generous feelings we have in our childhood. I know that now I do not have generous feelings up to that extent. 

Today also we can see little Cats live on the roads. But now we don’t want to bring them home. We know that their lives are at risk when they live near the main road where there are many vehicles. If I observe the thoughts of my colleague or sibling also, I can see how these thoughts have reduced up to now. As an adult, we don’t have that soft heart we had when we were kids.

Most of the time, I think that the mental state of every child is the same. By looking at my sister's little one, I could see the softness we had in our Childhood. One day he saw a little kitten and, she was laid down on a floor without her gang. So, out little one thought that she does not have her family members. He said that “see grandfather, how poor? This cat is left alone, and they do not have any parents or siblings”. The facial impressions he had at that time were horrible and, I thought that he would cry.

How cute and pure hearts do these kids have before moving into society as adults? 

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Sunday, November 4, 2018

6.0 Robinhood! Sick And Tired Of Doing Games The Old Way? Read This.

As children, we watched some cartoon series and dramas. Out of them 'Robinhood' was the Best Drama. Today also I can see their posts and photos on social media like Facebook. I used to share it as soon as possible with others. I think Robinhood and his amazing gang will be in my mind till death.

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Robinhood is a legend on-screen character we adored a lot in our childhood. Today also we love that story as we did in our past. Even now it’s a pleasure to hear the theme song which gives the cherished feeling and, remembered the childhood memories. This was the most loved story of many, including me, my younger sister, cousins, and, friends. Because of this, there are a lot of memories in this regard. We used to create our own stories by gaining some little parts of this story and, played accordingly. Still, those are certainly fond of memories we have today.

This was the incident that comes to mind when hearing that word Robinhood. So, in those days, I'm becoming accustomed to writing letters. I could not practice one letter (''), even though I completed the entire Sinhala Alphabet. Because I did not have much enthusiasm for it, it was something that couldn't be composed. On that day also I was practicing to write that letter and, one of my uncles (Maama) also was there. I used to call him 'Putu Putu Maama' and, used the words 'Putu Putu' because of the sound of his bike. He also liked that name and, therefore I used this name for ten to twelve years. When I was practicing this letter, time near began ‘Robinhood’ drama. So, I went to switch on Television by dropping this work and, that letter was in a very primary stage which requires more exertion to finish. My uncle noticed that for which work I gave my priority and he said that 'You should finish this letter composing first, before watching Robinhood'. 

Weeping Heart! Ohh Damn…  To whom do I tell this situation??  They would agree with my uncle definitely as this task has been hauling for quite a while without a decent outcome. So, I had to go back even without switching on TV with a crying heart.  “Even though there is a similar letter in 'Sinhala' alphabet, for what reason do these idiots have another letter?” It was the thought I had and, I blamed the people who were in charge of introducing this bladdy letter to the alphabet. So, now this is the time which I felt that I ought to write this letter by hook or by crook. 

‘Robinhood’ drama was telecasting about one-hour and, I did not want to miss out any single moment. I considered it a big unfortunate of me if I could not watch it for a couple of moments. As well as we were hoping to watch this for one week. Anyway, I could finish the work and demonstrated it to my uncle. But the completeness was not enough for him and, he asked “This part from the letter should be composed on the upper side of the ruler and rest should descend. Else this cannot be accepted as a completed task”. At that time, nearly I lost fifteen minutes of the story... 

It was not the Internet Era! This was the saddest thing ever happened for me. You can imagine my situation if you are also a fan of this story. My uncle was not ready to give up this bladdy letter. However, I could finish and, get the approval for completeness after putting my maximum effort. But, the drama was almost over. In those days we didn’t have facilities like the Internet to watch the programs we missed. So, it was a big thing to worry about for a few days. However, my uncle was very happy as I finished the task which has been pending for a long time. 

Finally, I did that task expressing gratitude toward Robinhood. So, when that happened in that way, there was another desire where I might want to watch most loved Television programs with my companions. 

The Struggle! Even though my sister was there to fulfill this requirement, she was not coordinated for me due to the military situation I had with her at home. We used to struggle for the seats we used to sit and, watch TV. There were two separate seats for us to sit in the living room as a solution given by parents. Therefore, I knew that it was not possible to share the best moments of Favorite Programs with her. So, I asked one of my friends to come to our home and watch ‘Robinhood’ drama. 

One day she came to watch this drama. I convinced her visit as an unplanned one for my mother.  Later on, my mother got to know the actual situation once my friend came on next weekend as well to watch television with me.  But my mother didn’t tell anything to me and, acted as nothing happened. But what she did was, she evacuated a couple of wires which require to switch on the TV and, let us watch this drama. Badly, I missed the entire program on that day. My friend, as well.

Everyone wanted to play the role of Robinhood even though there was a crew in his team and, nobody else ever preferred to be Gisborne or Sheriff.


So, this was a big problem for us where we needed to get the solutions and opinions from our adults after numerous contentions.  After that, we decided to write the name of the Robinhood and his team in chits and, selected characters randomly. But it was a temporary solution and, we had to stop that method once we found two chits with the name of Robinhood.  As the next decision, we decided to play the role of Robinhood for half an hour and, everybody got the opportunity to play as Robinhood.  Finally, it helped to manage the critical situation.

In addition to this game, we played another game called ‘Kumari’ (Princess). 

Crazy Cousins! It's sort of a drama about the story of a Princess who has two servants and few demons. Now when we remember this story, it made us laugh. In those days my father’s elder brother’s daughter was the youngest among our cousins. So, she was the Princess in this drama.  I was a servant of that princess and, one of my cousin sisters also was a servant. That sister was the daughter of my father’s sister. She is five months younger than me. Now she is not in Sri Lanka either.  But we are Good Buddies from childhood. We used to wear similar clothes, particularly in the new year season and, we had that habit for a long time. In that drama, my younger sister and another cousin brother acted as demons. One day we carried our princess using a bedsheet. Our princess was a chubby kid and, it was not an easy task to hold her for us as little servants. Therefore, my cousin younger sister peed in the same place.

So, once seen this everyone laughed a lot. We too could not hold our princess anymore and, she fell down to the ground. After that, it became another amusement for us and, we spread Pee in the entire room using our foot and, slipped everywhere until the point when we got the attention of my mother. 

Apart from Robinhood, Badminton was another game we played. But it was not an easy task to manage as nobody liked to bring the shuttlecock back when it went far away. Every time we played this game a maximum of one hour as we could not do this peacefully. When thinking about these things I think we had got the maximum benefits and, our childhood was awesome. I think today Mobile Phone kids also will enthusiasm for this sort of childhood if they have opportunities to do as such. 

As readers, you also will definitely have remarkable memories of this story. 

Where is our Heros? Sometime you may think that for what reason did she expound on ‘Robinhood’ when there are many heroes in Sri Lanka. As I thought this will be a reason for them to criticize me, I thought to note down this also. However, I would like to accept it as a good observation. I watched this story from one channel called ‘Jaathika Rupavahin’ and, as I remember there were two television channels in those days. In those days they have published extremely decent and valuable programs for kids. Certain dubbed programs of ‘Taitus Thotawantha’ were such a good example. However, there was no program that discussed our own Sri Lankan heroes who could invade our minds as kids.  

If there was a program like a story of ‘Madduma Bandara’ for us as kids, it had been a great idea. 

It was an inspired book!  There was a book about national heroes including this child legend and, it gifted by my father. I can remember that I imagined these stories and I felt proud about the history of our country after reading that book. In those days, I also would like to become a Hero like ‘Madduma Bandara’ because of his bravery actions against the Death order. There were certain poems in that book and, still I can recall a little piece of one lyric and, it says that “As Childs, we should remind our national heroes and, we should behave according to them.” 

I think this could plant good thoughts about our country, nationality and, religion in the minds of kids even those are very little ballads or wordings. I believe the feelings, the things we saw and, memories in our childhood, decide the next steps of life. So, it will influence a Positive or Negative way and, we should give more priority to give valuable creations to a child’s mind. If we ask a kid to sing a song or ask them to name their favorite programs, then you can identify the current situation. If we take a few programs as examples, I don’t think that there is our own valuable thing to give them.

So, if you have an awful perspective of this story, I'll need to reveal to you this is the reason I like this program without a doubt. But I’m pretty sure you are also an aficionado of Robinhood

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